Steam Name: -GML-Mystic Ham
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29040768
Your Age: 15
Rank: Admin
Time On Server: 4Days
Why you think you should be this rank: I have had lots of experience with both being
the owner of a server and just being an admin, I know im not the best coder in the world but I am getting there I have been working with LUA for about 3 years and have allot of minging experience so I know when a minge when I see one and even if I know them and they are my friend I am not afried to ban/kick them. I have seen several people mineging and admins not doing a thing about it.
Other Info: I am going to come right out and say that I am NOT the best speller and if you need help with anything that has to do with any language but Spanish do NOT come to me, I am american i just suck at English class and i am really good at Spanish IDK why.
P.S. I do have wallhax/aimbot but i only use when other people like minges start to minge